Two Yidden Murdered Near Yishuv Eli in Eretz Yisroel

Two Yidden were murdered in a terror shooting attack on Thursday afternoon at a gas station near the entrance of Yishuv Eli, near Chummus Eliyahu restaurant, in the Binyamin region of the Shomron.


Two Yidden were murdered in a terror shooting attack on Thursday afternoon at a gas station near the entrance of yishuv Eli, near Chummus Eliyahu restaurant, in the Binyamin region of the Shomron.

The Kedoshim were identified as Yeshiva Talmud Uria Hartum, Hy”d, a 16-years-old resident of Dolev, north of Yerushalayim in the Mateh Binyamin Region. and Rabbi Yitzchak Zeiger, Hy”d, a 57-year-old husband and father from Psagot in Shavei Shomron, an IDF reservist officer, a Magen David Adom Paramedic for his community and a volunteer for Zaka.

Two Terrorists armed with M16 rifles arrived at a gas station by the entrance to Yishuv Eli and opened fire. One of the terrorists was killed when Aviad Gzburg, the owner of the nearby Chummus Eliyahu restaurant, heroically ran towards the danger and killed the terrorist in close combat. Aviad says he recently finished miluim reserve duty fighting terrorist in Gaza, stating that “the terrorist in Gaza are the same terrorist here attacking yidden in Yehuda and Shomron.”

The second terrorist was killed nearby after trying to attack IDF Soldiers who were searching for him.

Last year In June 2023, four kedoshim were murdered in another shooting attack at the exact location: Harel Masood, Hy”d, a 21-year-old resident of Yad Binyamin, Ofer Fairman, Hy”d, a 60-year-old resident of Eli, Elisha Antman, Hy”d, a 17-year-old resident of Eli and Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, Hy”d, a 15-year-old resident of Ahiya.

  • Photo: IDF

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