Hezbollah Escalates Missle Targets Air Force Base in Meron, IDF Warns “Back Off”

File photo. IAF F-35I Adir on its first flight with the Israeli Air Force, 13 December 2016

Hezbollah terrorists continue to escalate by attacking northern Eretz Yisroel. On Sunday, Hezbollah claimed to strike an Air Force air traffic control base in Meron on Shabbos.

By FrumNews.com 

Hezbollah terrorists continue to escalate by attacking northern Eretz Yisroel. On Sunday, Hezbollah claimed to strike an Air Force air traffic control base in Meron on Shabbos.

The base has been targeted in the past, in February and in May, causing damage to the base in its wake.

In response to the new attack, IDF aircraft struck back at Hezbollah installations in Yaroun, Kfarkela, and Marwahin. Furthermore, IDF artillery fired to remove a threat in the area of Amra.

IDF Spokesperson Rare Admiral Daniel Hagari warned Hezbollah of its escalation in the past week:

“Since deciding to join the war that Hamas started on October 7th – Hezbollah has fired over 5,000 rockets..from Lebanon at Israeli families. Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation – one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region.

“When we say that we will not let October 7th happen again on any one of our borders – we mean it. Because of Hezbollah’s refusal to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1701…Israel will take the necessary measures to protect its civilians — until security along our border with Lebanon is restored.

“One way or another – we will ensure the safe and secure return of Israelis to their homes in Northern Israel. That is not up for negotiation. Iran’s terror proxies continue to drag the region to destruction. Israel will continue fighting against Iran’s axis of evil on all fronts — in Gaza, in Lebanon – as we work towards a more secure future for the Middle East.

“October 7th cannot happen again — on any one of Israel’s borders. Israel has a duty to defend the people of Israel. We will fulfill that duty — at all costs.”

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  • Am Yisroel Chai 06/17/2024 | י"א סיון התשפ"ד

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