Florida Congressional Candidate Bryan Leib Receives Slew of Endorsements Ahead of Primary

U.S. Congressman Cory Mills (left) endorsed congressional candidate Bryan Leib (right). Left photo credit Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Pro-Israel Floridian Jewish Republican Congressional candidate Bryan E. Leib has been creating a stir after taking on to unseat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Leib has recently outlined his policies platform, including Pro-Religious Freedom, School Choice, standing in support of Israel and combating anti-Semitism.

By FrumNews.com 

Hollywood, FL — Pro-Israel Floridian Jewish Republican Congressional candidate Bryan E. Leib has been creating a stir after taking on to unseat the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (who voted for the Iran deal, among many other anti-Israel bills), as previously reported by FrumNews.com.

Leib has recently outlined his policies platform, including Pro-Religious Freedom, School Choice, standing in support of Israel and combating anti-Semitism.

On Friday, fellow Republican congressman Cory Mills announced his endorsement of Bryan Leib ahead of the statewide Republican Party primary which will take place on August 20, 2024.

“I am proud to endorse my friend, America First Congressional Candidate Bryan Leib in Florida’s 25th Congressional District. Rep. Mills said in a joint statement. “Bryan is a stalwart supporter of many issues that I care deeply about, such as increasing resources and opportunities for our veterans, securing our southern border, a limited government that is of and for the American people, and standing tall with our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel.”

“In Congress, House Republicans and President Trump need strong support to advance an agenda that puts the American people first and one that puts the people back in control, not career politicians. I know that next year in Congress, I will be able to count on Bryan to get into the trenches with me to fight for America.” Mills added.

Bryan Leib thanked Rep Mills, saying.“I am honored to have earned this endorsement from Cory. When Jewish and non-Jewish Americans were trapped in Israel in the aftermath of the October 7th massacre, Joe Biden told Americans to go to the airport and good luck finding flights home.”

“Congressman Mills stepped up and personally evacuated over 150 Americans out of a war zone. We need more people in Congress that aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and get the job done. Congressman Mills can count on me supporting him, House Republicans, President Trump and our America First Agenda every single day in Congress next year.” Leib added.

Leib also received endorsements from Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds (who is considered to be on President Trump’s shortlist to be vice president) and Former Ambassador Richard Grenell.

“I am proud to endorse my friend and an America First Congressional Candidate, Byran Leib, in Florida’s 25th Congressional District. I know that next year in Congress, I will be able to count on Bryan to get into the trenches with me to fight for America,” said Rep. Donalds.

He also received the support of Randy Fine, Florida’s sole Jewish Republican serving in Florida’s House of Representatives, who endorsed Bryan last month.

“I am proud to endorse Bryan Leib for Congress,” Fine said at the time. “There are only two Republican Jews serving in Congress, and we need to make it three because we need voices that are going to stand up to the woke left, Rashida Tlaib, AOC and the Anti-Semitism in Congress. I know he will do that, so I am proud to support him.”


You can read the FrumNews.com interview with Florida 25th Congressional District candidate Bryan Leib here.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, unrest and riots have caused thousands of young Frum families to flee New York, New Jersey, and California and resettle in Broward County, Florida. FrumNews.com would like to remind the newly-arrived Yidden in the district who may not yet be registered to vote in Florida to register so you can have a voice in Florida elections in your Kehilla. To register to vote in Florida, Click Here.

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