Anti-Israel Vandal Caught, Arrested In Boro Park

Boro Park Shmira apprehended a vandal that illegally spray painted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic graffiti in a local neighborhood park.


Brooklyn, NY – At around 3:15 AM on Motzei Shabbos, volunteers from Boro Park Shmira, out on night patrol, observed a suspect illegally spraying graffiti on the wall of the basketball court in the Dome Playground Park, located at the corner of Dahill Road and 38th Street. 

The vandal spray painted “Free Palestine” and other anti-Semitic language aimed at the Frum Kehilla.  

As soon as the vandal realized he was being watched, he took off running, leading the Shmira volunteers on a brief foot pursuit. 

The perpetrator was eventually apprehended on McDonald Avenue and Cortelyou Road near Kensington, where he was placed under arrest by officers from the NYPD’s 66th Precinct.

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